
Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

'Banquete sinestésico' de Erick Beltrán en Halfhouse

[Web de Halfhouse/La Estrategia Doméstica]:

Erick Beltrán realizará una cena-performance transformando con la ayuda de un chef el espacio Halfhouse en el comedor para un banquete, utilizando los platos como base de su discurso. La performance es un estudio del fenómeno de sinetésia como metáfora para la práctica de la traslación. Erick nos presentará una variedad de platos llevando al invitado a una exploración culinaria y histórica.

Beltrán ha realizado este tipo de evento analizando el concepto de sinestesia en dos ocasiones anteriores: la primera fue en la Kadist Art Foundation ('A dinner with...', 2008) y recientemente en Villa Arson (2010), en el contexto de la exposición 'Double Bind/Stop trying to understand me!'.

'Banquete sinestésico' tuvo lugar el 29 Octubre en Halfhouse, Barcelona:

3 mesas, 30+/- invitados.

 Inspeccionando la cocina para obtener pistas acerca del misterioso menú...

 Ingredientes revelatorios...

 Nos dicen que el segundo plato está descansando...

 más pistas... parece que en el medievo cuando no se tenía pescado a mano, se preparaba este plato a base de hígado

el tedioso trabajo de pelar huevos de codorniz

 Primer plato casi listo...

 Erick ultimando su presentación

 Invitados empiezan a llegar y a degustar el aperitivo especial de la noche, el cocktail Snake in the grass

 Empieza la cena-performance

 Entrante: Aspic de huevo de gallina y huevo de codorniz, acompañada de anguilas y cilantro

 Sigue la charla...

Presentación oficial del primer plato: codorniz dentro de una perdiz, dentro de una gallina de Guinea, dentro de un pato, dentro de un pavo, o algo así...el 'campo expandido' de una matrioska/Turducken. Se acompaña con una salsa de higos y/o garo

 Por cierto exquisito...

 Siguen los diagramas...los ourobouros...la patafísica...el yo y el super-yo...

Segundo plato: boquerones dentro de una lubina dentro de un bacalao. Buen provecho.

 Sobre cómo leer el futuro observando las partes de un hígado...

 Tercer plato: conejo con chocolate...

Sirviendo vino con hinojo como acompañante del postre (no comestible): música futurista

 Muchos cocktail, muchas Estrella...

 Apocalíptica cocina post-cena...

Erick Beltrán (México DF, 1974. Vive y trabaja entre Barcelona y México DF) estudió Artes Visuales en la Universidad Nacional de México (ENAP-UNAM), entre 1993 y 1997. Posteriormente, participó en residencias artísticas como ENSAD, París (2000-2001) y Rijksakademie, Amsterdam, (2002-2004). Ha realizado diversas exposiciones individuales incluyendo Enciclopedia, Galería OMR (Ciudad de México, 2005); Punchdrunk, SMAK (Gent, Bélgica, 2005); Analphabet, Stedelijk Museum Bureau (Amsterdam, 2005); Réplica (con Jorge Macchi), Muca Roma (Ciudad de México, 2004). Además, ha participado en exposiciones colectivas como la Bienal del Mercosur (Porto Alegre, 2005); Algunos libros de artistas, Proyectes SD (Barcelona, 2005); Prague Biennale 2 (Praga, 2005); Circuitos/Circuits, Matucana100 (Santiago de Chile, 2005), Bienal de Sao Paulo (2008), Manifesta 8 (Murcia, 2010) y más recientemente la actual 11ª Bienal de Lyon.

All photos: Latitudes | www.lttds.org (except when noted otherwise in the photo caption)
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Update: Contents of the forthcoming publication 'Amikejo' to be realised in January 2012 by Mousse Publishing

Photo: Courtesy Musée de la Vallée de la Greule
As announced on our previous post, we are currently editing the forthcoming catalogue 'Amikejo', which concludes the exhibition cycle that has taken place at the Laboratorio 987 in MUSAC, León.

One of the main essays (aside that by Prof. Peter Osborne around the philosophical and the historical development of the 'project space' as a type of art space) is that by Prof. Ryszard Żelichowski, Director for Scientific Research at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, titled "Neutral Moresnet and Amikejo – The Forgotten Children of the Congress of Vienna", which narrates the story of the small state Neutral Moresnet which, in 1908 became the first Esperanto state and changed its name to 'Amikejo' ('a place of great friendship' in Esperanto).

Below an excerpt of what's to come...
Upon Napoleon’s defeat in 1814, the victorious coalition faced the need to introduce a new order in Europe. European citizens could gain entirely new borders for the states they inhabited; first and foremost however, the coalition saw hope for the improvement of the terms of their nation’s existence. The Congress of Vienna had to deal with these challenges while reconciling the often contradictory expectations of both big and small states. One such challenge was posed by an area of what had been the Aubel canton during the French Empire, which today is part of the Belgian municipality of Kelmis. This territory – more precisely a small part of it – wedged between what is today Belgium and Germany enjoyed a certain amount of independence for over a century, and had many attributes of a sovereign state: its own anthem, flag, currency, and postage stamps. This mini-state, Neutral Moresnet (1816–1919), has been mostly forgotten by historiography, and almost two hundred years since its creation, I would like to commemorate the extraordinary fortune of this tiny piece of land at the heart of Western Europe.

Title: 'Amikejo'
Edited by: Latitudes
Publisher & Distributor: Mousse Publishing and MUSAC
Format: 22,5x15,5cm, 200 pp, hardcover
Language: English/Spanish
Print run: 1,200
Date of publication: Spring 2012

Follow the project on Latitudes' Twitter #Amikejo
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Details of the forthcoming 'Amikejo' exhibition catalogue published by Mousse Publishing

Poster of the exhibition cycle. Designed by Latitudes.

We are now editing the 'Amikejo' final publication to be released by Mousse Publishing in Spring 2012. The 200-page-publication will include essays by:

Peter Osborne (Professor of Modern European Philosophy and Director of the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy at Kingston University London);
Ryszard Żelichowski (Professor and Director for Scientific Research at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences);
Theo Beckers (Former Professor of Leisure Studies at Tilburg University and currently faculty member of the Tilburg Sustainability Center and Visiting Professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences);
Prof. Dr. Menno Schilthuizen (Research scientist at NCB Naturalis, an endowed chair for Insect Biodiversity at the University of Groningen and an Associate Professorship at Leiden University)

amongst others, as well as texts on each exhibition by Latitudes.

In the meantime some images of the exhibitions on Latitudes' flickr, including the final exhibition 'Amikejo: Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch', on view at the Laboratorio 987, MUSAC, until 15 January 2012. More soon!

All photos: Latitudes | www.lttds.org (except when noted otherwise in the photo caption)

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Newsletter #37 - October/octubre 2011

Newsletter en Español | Newsletter in English


Participation in the symposia 'Antimonuments: Critique of Public Space', Espai d'Art Contemporani de Castelló, Saturday 22 October 2011. Coordinated by Ángela Molina and with the participation of Iria Candela (Assistant Curator, Tate Modern, London), Patricia Esquivias (artist, Madrid), Latitudes (independent curators, Barcelona) and Racons Públics (curator/architect, Barcelona).

UNTIL 15 JANUARY 2012...
'Amikejo: Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch', fourth and final exhibition of the cycle 'Amikejo' at the Laboratorio 987, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León, León,
24 September 2011–15 January 2012

Read article by Bea Espejo (El Cultural, 2 August 2011) related to the artists' work and their collaborative working process (in Spanish).

Follow #amikejo


Coinciding with the first anniversary of the beginning of 'The Last Newspaper' exhibition at the New Museum (6 October 2010–9 January 2011), readers are now be able to flick through the pages of the exhibition catalogue via Issuu: #0 Contents + Index; #1 The Last Post; #2 The Last Gazette; #3 The Last Register; #4 The Last Star-Ledger; #5 The Last Monitor; #6 The Last Observer; #7 The Last Evening Sun; #8 The Last Journal; #9 The Last Times; #10 The Last Express.

Read the first issue 'The Last Post':

...The rest (#2 to 10 plus #0 with Contents+Index) now available on Issuu!

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